
Showing posts from June, 2022

Do Back Braces Help Dogs with IVDD?

A herniated disc or IVDD diagnosis can cause canine paralysis, mobility loss, and severe back pain. The support of a dog back brace can help to relieve IVDD back pain and allow pets to stay active longer.  Orthopedic support braces can be combined with rehab exercise for conservative management of a canine spinal condition as an alternative to expensive surgery or to provide extra support during post-operative recovery. There are countless reasons a dog would need a back brace, but understanding how they work is important to decide if your dog would benefit from a  back brace. How Do Dog… The post Do Back Braces Help Dogs with IVDD? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Why a Drag Bag is Essential for a Paralyzed Dog

It is vitally important for a paralyzed dog or cat to be able to get the exercise they need and to maintain their independence as much as possible. A wheelchair is crucial for your best friend to get outside, enjoy their daily walk, and play. But what does your pet use indoors or when your dog is not using their wheelchair? The drag bag is the perfect indoor mobility solution for paralyzed pets.  What is a Drag Bag? The drag bag aids paralyzed pets in two ways: to protect them and to help them easily get around their home. A… The post Why a Drag Bag is Essential for a Paralyzed Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

5 Unconventional Treats That Help Your Pet’s Growth

Every human being craves some companionship, as people are considered social beings. While animals have been great companions for our ancestors as hunting mates, nowadays they are considered more like family members or friends. Animals have become in sync with several human emotions because of a long history of associating with human beings. People pamper animals and take care of them by keeping them as their pets. Having a pet is very common in today’s world. Dogs or cats often improve their pet parents’ lives by infusing positivity into them. Some people also go for other types of pets, depending… The post 5 Unconventional Treats That Help Your Pet’s Growth appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Top Beneficial Items That You Should Include In Your Dog’s Diet

You are not alone if you want to enhance your dog’s regular food to increase the flavor and keep them healthy and interested. There is nothing wrong with mixing homemade food into your dog’s commercial-cooked diet. In fact, it can be even better for their well-being. We will share a few dog edibles that are super affordable and convenient to add to your dog’s diet. You don’t even have to make much of an effort. While you’re preparing food for yourself and your family, keep a few of these ingredients and put them aside for your pooch.  Here are a… The post Top Beneficial Items That You Should Include In Your Dog’s Diet appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Tips To Find the Right Dog-Friendly Hotel

According to research, 85% of dog owners in America consider their dog to be a family member. Many of these pet owners prefer to take their dogs with them when they go on a vacation. If you are planning to stay at a hotel then make sure it is dog-friendly. Here are a few tips to help you find dog-friendly accommodation. 1. Select the Right Hotel that Provides Essentials One of the main things you need to do is to choose a hotel that provides pet essentials. There are certain things you need you’ll need to bring with your dog… The post Tips To Find the Right Dog-Friendly Hotel appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Choose the Right Food for your New Puppy

There is no better way to lighten your day than having a cute little fur baby. But, whenever you have a pet, it becomes a responsibility more than just playing with them. Just like they help you make your life better and happier, they rely entirely on you for their life. Be it any type of pet, they cannot speak but only give your signs to convey their discomfort or sorrow. Therefore, being mindful of their food and comfort is quintessential when you have one. Every pet’s food need is different; thus, we emphasize choosing the right puppy food in… The post How to Choose the Right Food for your New Puppy appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Project DM and Bella’s Buddies Launch a New DM Trial

Project DM is launching a groundbreaking new degenerative myelopathy to better understand the disease progression of DM and establish a definitive way to diagnose this terrible disease. Read on to learn more about the trial and what inspired, Molli Cook to create Bubba’s Buddies. The Inspiration Behind Bella’s Buddies Bella’s mom, Molli Cook discusses her dog Bella and how Bella’s Buddies is working to fight DM. Meet Bella Bubba Cook is an 11-year-old boxer who is fighting against DM and putting up one heck of a fight! Bubba grew up in Iowa but is now retired from his career as… The post Project DM and Bella’s Buddies Launch a New DM Trial appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How Often Should Dogs Get Groomed?

Grooming is an essential aspect of dog ownership. However, in today’s busy world it can be hard to find the time for coat maintenance. Regular grooming helps your dog look and feel their best, but it’s important to find a schedule that works for you and your dog. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how The post How Often Should Dogs Get Groomed? appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Baby Emu Runs in New Walkin’ Wheels

Only 2-months old, baby emu Lemu has never walked on his own. When the Bella View Farm Animal Sanctuary rescued him, Lemu was half the size of his siblings. His rescuers found him living in a tote bag and were told he had suffered a slipped tendon, but his rescuers believe there’s much more to his story. Lemu’s rescue wasn’t an easy one. With Lemu living in Wisconsin, the North Carolina-based rescue needed to rely on help from others to get him to his new home safely. Rescue Founder Rhonda Farrell made a plea on social media for volunteer drivers… The post Baby Emu Runs in New Walkin’ Wheels appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

What Causes Blindness in Dogs?

Your dog’s vision loss doesn’t always happen overnight; the symptoms may occur slowly in many cases. Vision changes can be gradual and confused with natural changes that are expected in an aging pet. Symptoms of Blindness in Dogs Vision loss doesn’t only impact senior dogs. Any pet can experience changes in their eyesight. Blindness can impact any dog, but dogs dealing with a chronic condition like diabetes are at a much higher risk of losing sight. Here are a few signs of blindness in dogs: Clumsiness or bumping into walls or furniture Dog is reluctant or too scared to move… The post What Causes Blindness in Dogs? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Neurological Disorders in Dogs

Neurological disorders are illnesses that affect three main areas of your dog, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Neurological disease causes sudden and very obvious changes in a dog’s behavior and mobility. If your dog exhibits any signs of neurological distress note these three things: When the symptom was first noticed The frequency the symptom occurs Immediately contact your Veterinarian Neurological conditions show clear physical changes in a dog’s body, mobility, and behavior. Understanding the signs and symptoms of a neural disorder is important to helping your dog get the care they need. Signs & Symptoms of a Neurological… The post Neurological Disorders in Dogs appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Leg Tremors in Dogs: What Does it Mean if a Dog’s Back Legs Shake?

When pets experience involuntary muscle trembling, they are experiencing a repetitive muscle movement that they can not control. Trembling and shaking legs are unpredictable and may impact only one limb or several.  Shaking back legs, twitching, and leg tremors in dogs are likely caused by a medical condition. Although shaking can be a sign of pain, it’s possible that your dog may not even realize its leg is twitching. Intermittent leg tremors aren’t likely a cause for concern; however, frequent shaking legs could mean an underlying health condition.  What Causes a Dog’s Legs to Shake? The following reasons for shaking… The post Leg Tremors in Dogs: What Does it Mean if a Dog’s Back Legs Shake? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

What is the Correct Front Splint for My Dog?

Seeing your beloved family pet start to limp or show signs of being in pain is stressful. It’s time to go to your veterinarian if you notice your dog is favoring one of its front paws over the other or is lamely lifting one of its front paws. There can be many causes for your dog limping on its front paws. A proper diagnosis will assist you in determining the following steps to help heal them.  Choosing the Right Front Splint After your Vet has told you the root cause of your dog’s front paw weakness, you will be better… The post What is the Correct Front Splint for My Dog? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Ultimate Guide to Exercise Wheels for Dogs aka Treadwheels

Are you looking to learn more about exercise wheels for dogs? They’re also referred to as treadwheels or running wheels. Part of maintaining our dog’s well-being is looking after their physical well-being. But sometimes we don’t always have time to take our dogs on walks. As a result, you might consider an exercise wheel. I’ll The post Ultimate Guide to Exercise Wheels for Dogs aka Treadwheels appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

What is the Correct Rear Splint for My Dog?

If you notice your dog’s rear legs going out, giving them pain, or showing signs of injury or lameness, it is always essential to go to your vet as soon as symptoms appear. This way, they can make sure your dog’s condition is not severe, and if it is serious, they can take care of your dog’s needs from there. Once they have advised you of your dog’s condition and the cause of their issue, you can then determine the steps needed to help your dog out. Proper treatment may include medication, surgery, a supportive harness, or even a splint… The post What is the Correct Rear Splint for My Dog? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How Are Seizures Treated in Old Dogs?

Seizures are the most commonly reported canine neurological condition. Regardless of a dog’s age, seizures need to be taken seriously. Seizures in dogs are typically a symptom of another underlying health problem that requires treatment. What is a Seizure? When a dog has a seizure, they convulse, experience uncontrollable body movements, stiffness, and may experience different levels of consciousness. Seizures range greatly in severity and can present in many different ways. The most minor seizures can start and stop quickly, with mild symptoms that last a few seconds. However, the most severe episodes may include violent movement and go on… The post How Are Seizures Treated in Old Dogs? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Dog Treadmill vs. Human Treadmill: Learn the Differences

Dogs need daily exercise to keep their physical and mental health in good shape. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a teacup Yorkie, German Shepherd, or Great Dane. Although a dog’s energy levels differ depending on their breed, every dog still needs some form of exercise. But how do dogs get this exercise? While most people The post Dog Treadmill vs. Human Treadmill: Learn the Differences appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

What Causes a Dog’s Hind Legs to Collapse?

Many mobility issues can cause a dog’s hind legs to give out and collapse underneath them suddenly. For example, a dog’s back legs can collapse due to an injury, leg weakness in an older dog, arthritis, or a more serious health condition such as Degenerative Myelopathy.  As dogs age, it’s natural for them to lose some strength in their legs, but old age isn’t the only cause of hind leg weakness in dogs. Here are a few mobility conditions that can cause a dog’s hind legs to collapse: 1. Canine Arthritis Joint pain can make even the shortest walk impossible… The post What Causes a Dog’s Hind Legs to Collapse? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .