
Showing posts from May, 2023

7 Ways to Help Your Dog Recover After an Accident

Accidents for our canine friends can be devastating physically and emotionally. Seeing them injured and hurting is one of the most upsetting things a pet parent can experience. They rely on us to help them heal, so knowing how to support them through their recovery is incredibly important. In this blog post, we’ll look at 7 strategies that you can use to ensure your furry pal recovers from an accident as quickly and comfortably as possible. From providing first aid to consulting with a veterinarian, these healing techniques will give your pup the best chance at fully recovering. Seven Ways… The post 7 Ways to Help Your Dog Recover After an Accident appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Sharing the Love: Capturing Your Pet’s Golden Years

Our dogs are such endearing and faithful companions that we love every moment we spend with them until their final days. We love to pet, play, and take photographs, and that shouldn’t change just because they’ve reached their golden years. This is a chance to celebrate all of the good times. Once you’ve taken those wonderful glamor shots, put them online and share them with your friends and pet companions. If you’ve never used social media before or are unsure how to capture the glory of your furry friends, know that we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll talk… The post Sharing the Love: Capturing Your Pet’s Golden Years appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Safely Lift and Carry Your Dog

You might need to carry, lift, or pick up your dog for countless reasons. Whether it’s to help your dog get into the car, lift them onto the veterinarian’s exam table, or even snuggle. Regardless of your dog’s size or age, most likely, you will need to pick them up at some point. The key is to do it as safely as possible. How to Pick Up Your Dog The right way to lift or pick up your dog depends greatly on your pet’s size. So, here’s the best way to carry your best friend based on their size: Lifting… The post How to Safely Lift and Carry Your Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Why a Drag Bag is Essential for a Paralyzed Dog

It is vitally important for a paralyzed dog or cat to be able to get the exercise they need and to maintain their independence as much as possible. A wheelchair is crucial for your best friend to get outside, enjoy their daily walk, and play. But what does your pet use indoors or when your dog is not using their wheelchair? The drag bag is the perfect indoor mobility solution for paralyzed pets.  What is a Drag Bag? The drag bag aids paralyzed pets in two ways: to protect them and to help them easily get around their home. A… The post Why a Drag Bag is Essential for a Paralyzed Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Top English Bulldog Health Issues

There are three types of Bulldogs, English, American, and French Bulldogs. In this article, we will be focusing on the English Bulldog. The English Bulldog is a sweet, dependable dog breed that makes a wonderful addition to the family. As with all dog breeds, Bulldogs are predisposed to certain health conditions and mobility problems. Joint conditions such as dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, and breathing issues are just a few of the medical issues impacting the English Bulldog. The Top Joint and Health Issues in English Bulldogs Breathing Problems in the English Bulldog English Bulldogs have a distinct look, with a… The post Top English Bulldog Health Issues appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Can a Puppy Use a Dog Wheelchair?

Are Dog Wheelchairs Only for Older Pets? Mobility issues, joint pain, and difficulty walking are common issues in older dogs. But mobility issues aren’t limited to only senior dogs. Many young dogs and puppies can also struggle with their mobility, and in many cases, a dog wheelchair is a great way to keep a young dog active! Benefits of a Puppy Wheelchair Wheelchairs are great for pets in motion too! Especially puppies. The Walkin’ Wheels fully adjustable wheelchair is a fantastic option to assist dogs of all ages who are suffering from mobility adversities. A puppy wheelchair allows young and… The post Can a Puppy Use a Dog Wheelchair? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How Aging Pets Can Help Aging Adults Find Comfort

Getting older comes with its fair share of challenges. You might not be as nimble. Energy levels can drop. Loss is also incredibly common the older you get. All of these changes can take a toll on the body and the soul. As such, it’s important to seek specialized care. That being said, you can also make changes in your personal life to accommodate some of the changes associated with aging. Most turn to self-care or eating healthier, but, have you ever considered how a dog might help? Maybe you already have an older dog at home, but you’re not… The post How Aging Pets Can Help Aging Adults Find Comfort appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .