Lost and Found

Lucy Lost

This is Lucy, who has been big news here in Canton, Ohio. I wanted to share her sweet story with you.

The saga started when Lucy’s family drove to Canton for the Pro Football Hall of Fame celebration. Unfortunately, they were involved in a car wreck, which (of course) scared the beejeesus out of Lucy, so she ran from the crash site and hid.

Local social media pages carried pictures of the terrier mix, and a reward was posted, but it turns out Lucy takes hide-n-seek very seriously. Finally, after a month, local rescue group JJ’s Ruff Roads was able to find her.

Here’s a link to the beautiful reunification video.

And it pays to become famous. Lucy got to ride home to Oklahoma in a private plane!

I’m so glad they got back together. Here’s the story from the Alliance Review.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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