
Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Help a Dog with Arthritis at Home

As your dog gets older, you may notice them slowing down or experiencing some trouble getting around. Arthritis is a common problem that occurs when a dog ages and can significantly affect your pet’s daily life. While medication and other treatments can help, there are also some great ways you can improve your dog’s comfort The post How to Help a Dog with Arthritis at Home appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

What Can I Do If My Dog Has DM?

For most pet parents learning their dog has been diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy is likely their first time hearing about the debilitating mobility condition. There can be a lot of questions that come along with a DM diagnosis. DM impacts a pet’s strength and their ability to maintain control over their body which can drastically change both your and your pet’s life. Understanding the signs and symptoms of DM can help you prepare for the physical changes your dog will experience as their Degenerative Myelopathy progresses.  Here are a few of the most common questions pet parents have about their… The post What Can I Do If My Dog Has DM? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Common Injuries in Dogs & the Benefits of Bracing

A leg injury is debilitating for a dog. When a dog experiences joint pain and cannot walk normally, it impacts every facet of its life. Many of the most common leg injuries in dogs can be treated with custom braces or orthotics. Here are a few of the most common injuries to a dog’s legs, knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow. Stifle Knee Injuries Knee injuries are among the most common injuries impacting dogs. A veterinarian may also refer to your dog’s knee joint as a stifle joint. A dog’s knee supports a lot of its weight, and as the dog… The post Common Injuries in Dogs & the Benefits of Bracing appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Get Your Dog Used to a Wheelchair

Getting your dog a wheelchair will change their life forever. Along with assisting your dog to walk and run, their new cart vastly improves both their physical and mental health. Increasing strength, stamina, while keeping your dog mobile are just a few of the benefits of a dog wheelchair. Keeping your special needs pet active means a longer and healthier life. But how do you get your dog used to their new wheelchair? A stubborn personality or fear of the unknown may make your pet hesitant to take their first steps, here’s everything you need to know about helping your… The post How to Get Your Dog Used to a Wheelchair appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

4 Ways to Prevent Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Is your dog at increased risk of hip dysplasia? Hip dysplasia is a serious orthopedic condition that can affect your dog as they get older. In most cases, hip dysplasia is an inherited condition. However, there are some steps you can take to prevent severe disease. In this article, I’ll discuss what you need to The post 4 Ways to Prevent Hip Dysplasia in Dogs appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

How to Use a Dremel Dog Nail Grinder

Nail trimming is an essential part of grooming any breed of dog, but many dogs (and owners) can get a bit anxious about it. When done correctly, it’s a relatively simple process. One of the easiest ways to get the job done is with a Dremel dog nail grinder. Dremel is a power tool company The post How to Use a Dremel Dog Nail Grinder appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

5 Steps to Picking a Pet Insurance Company

How to Look for Pet Insurance and Selecting the Right Plan for Your Cat or Dog by the ASPCA®Pet Health Insurance Program Whether you’re a new pet parent or have been with your four-legged friend for years, chances are you’ve had at least one or two visits to the veterinarian. Some visits are relatively painless and inexpensive, but others can rack up quite the bill if your pet has a serious injury or illness that requires medical attention. In fact, some veterinarian bills can cost thousands of dollars, depending on treatment. Fortunately, there’s a way to offset the cost of… The post 5 Steps to Picking a Pet Insurance Company appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Keeping Your Disabled Dog Healthy: Basic Care Tips

Although some dogs have disabilities such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, or amputee legs, they still require the same amount of love and care as normal dogs. Parents of special needs pets should familiarize themselves with the basic guidelines for caring for your impaired dog. Here are some basic guidelines for making your dog’s care and life more comfortable and pleasurable. The Dog Wheelchair and Harness Dogs are known to be quite energetic and like roaming freely. However, a paralyzed pet or one with restricted movements may face some struggles. Loss of mobility can lead to sadness, eating disorders, and a… The post Keeping Your Disabled Dog Healthy: Basic Care Tips appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Improving the Quality of Life of Your Pet with a Disability

Having a pet is one of the greatest joys a person can experience. Pets are endlessly loyal, they offer companionship and comfort, and can even help support people who struggle with mental health and disabilities. But what happens when the tables turn? Our pets need us just as much as we need them. It is challenging to care for a disabled or ill pet, just as it is to care for a person with more needs. But a disabled pet deserves the same love and loyalty they give us, no matter how hard things may get. Giving pets with disabilities… The post Improving the Quality of Life of Your Pet with a Disability appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Train a Dog to Use the Treadmill

Lack of sufficient exercise can cause several dog behavioral and health issues. We, as pet parents want the absolute best for our dogs when it comes to their physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, we don’t always have the time to cater to their never-ending need for play and exercise. This is where treadmills come in The post How to Train a Dog to Use the Treadmill appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

How to Safely Walk a Dog at Night

Daily exercise is important to keep your dog healthy and happy, but finding time to walk your dog every day can be tough. As a result, many pet owners choose nighttime dog walking because this time fits better with their daily schedules. Walking your dog, regardless of the time, is always better than giving them The post How to Safely Walk a Dog at Night appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Where to Get a Dog’s Nails Trimmed

For many dog owners, nail trimming is a nerve-wracking task that is best left to the professionals, especially if your dog is fearful or difficult to handle. Some owners may also be interested in learning how to safely trim their dog’s nails at home but aren’t sure where to find the guidance they need. Depending The post Where to Get a Dog’s Nails Trimmed appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

9 Best Dog Nail Grinders: Kiss Your Groomer Goodbye

Are you searching for the best dog nail grinder? The average cost for a groomer to trim a dog’s nails ranges from $10 to $25. Instead, you can save on these costs by buying a high quality nail grinder for your dog. In this blog post, I discuss 9 of my best picks to help The post 9 Best Dog Nail Grinders: Kiss Your Groomer Goodbye appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Top 9 Picks For Best LED Dog Collar: Light Up and Glow In the Dark

Are you trying to find the best LED Dog Collar to buy? These light up collars come in handy when walking your dog in the dark. In this article, I give my top 9 picks for the best LED Dog Collar including the stand out features of each glow in the dark collar. I then The post Top 9 Picks For Best LED Dog Collar: Light Up and Glow In the Dark appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

The Difference Between a Custom Leg Brace & a Splint

Trying to decide on the best kind of splint for your pet can be intimidating at first. There are many off-the-shelf or premade options available and custom braces. Figuring out which one is best for your dog can be difficult, but knowing the benefits of each will help you determine what will work best for your pet. Whether the issue is high or low on your pet’s leg or if the condition is acute or chronic. Considering the factors of your dog’s requirements and needs will ensure you are picking the correct type of leg brace and support for your… The post The Difference Between a Custom Leg Brace & a Splint appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Can a Dog Recover from an ACL Tear Without Surgery

When people find out their dog has a torn ACL, many ask the question – can a dog recover from a torn ACL without surgery? The answer, as with many things in life, is it depends. There are certainly cases where dogs have healed naturally from torn ACLs, but there’s a right way to go about it and a wrong way. If your dog has an ACL tear, the best thing you can do is consult with your veterinarian to get their professional opinion on the matter. In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know about whether it’s possible… The post Can a Dog Recover from an ACL Tear Without Surgery appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Helpful Mental and Physical Tips for Caring for Your Aging Pet

If you are a pet owner, then eventually, you will have to deal with ensuring your senior pet is happy as they drift into old age. If you don’t take care of your pet, mentally and physically, then they could go on to develop serious health problems. The happier and healthier your pest is, the longer they will live. Many people wrongly believe that it’s expensive to nurse a pet into their old age. As long as you take good care of them from when they are young, this isn’t true. Here is how you can care for your aging… The post Helpful Mental and Physical Tips for Caring for Your Aging Pet appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Benefits of Joining a Dog Wheelchair Support Group

Learning that your dog is paralyzed and may never walk again, is an overwhelming and scary experience. I understand because my dog Sophie suffered from a neurological illness that left her paralyzed for the last 5 years of her life. One of the best ways I found to relieve the stress and fear, was to join a dog wheelchair support group. These associations are there to help pet owners adjust to their new lifestyle and teach the skills to take care of a disabled animal. I liked the idea so much that it led me to start the Dog Wheelchair… The post Benefits of Joining a Dog Wheelchair Support Group appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

One Deputy’s Dream of Helping Special Needs Pets Comes True

John Cox, a retired Deputy in Sarasota, FL, began his journey helping special needs animals just a year ago, and has already changed the lives of 68 animals! There are two things that these animals have in common – one being mobility issues, and the other being mobility solutions. Without the help of John, his team, and all their fundraising efforts, the latter wouldn’t be made possible. Within his first year, John and his charity Ruck9 have donated wheelchairs to 68 animals, the number of animals helped so far, includes: 64 dogs 3 cats 1 goat With many more animals… The post One Deputy’s Dream of Helping Special Needs Pets Comes True appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Best Get-Away Tips for a Canine Coastal Vacation

Coastal get-away tips for you and your canine companion, and other waterfront pet-focused pointers I’ve learned while living coastally. Warm weather is here and most of us will be heading to the water to cool off and relax.  As temps surge you might be planning a coastal vacation with your canine companion. Travel websites are showing an uptick in pet lovers taking their canine family members on vacations with them. While at your waterfront destination you may endeavor in boating, paddling, or just a splash at the lake or the beach. We have assembled some first-hand tips and important things… The post Best Get-Away Tips for a Canine Coastal Vacation appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Stop a Dog’s Nails From Bleeding

If you’ve ever cut your dog’s nails, you’ve probably experienced a dreaded nail bleed. Trimming your dog’s nails too short is the most common cause of bleeding nails. However, bleeding can also occur if the nail is cracked or injured. Luckily, nail bleeds are usually minor and can be easily treated at home. In this The post How to Stop a Dog’s Nails From Bleeding appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Nom Nom vs. The Farmer’s Dog: What Should I Choose?

Many pet parents are turning to fresh dog food companies to provide high quality nutrition for their dogs. Nom Nom and The Farmer’s Dog are two well-known companies in this space. In this blog post, I’ll compare Nom Nom vs. The Farmer’s Dog to help you decide between the two. I’ll talk about the companies The post Nom Nom vs. The Farmer’s Dog: What Should I Choose? appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Lyme Disease in Dogs

Lyme Disease or Borrelia Burgdorferi is a common transmittable bacterial illness that humans and animals alike can become infected with. After a bite by an infected tick that has been attached for 24 to 48 hours, the infection can spread in the bloodstream to many different parts of the body affecting organs and even cause joint issues. Lyme can seriously affect the overall health and well-being of your pet; it is important to be aware of where ticks are most commonly found.  While ticks can carry many different infections, one with the highest rate of infections is Lyme disease. In… The post Lyme Disease in Dogs appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

3 Important Things You Need to Know About Emergency Vet Care

1. Not every situation is an emergency Most fur parents, especially the new ones, panic easily every time their pet is feeling a little blue or less playful than their usual self. They always assume that their furry friends are seriously sick. While it’s understandable, if you’re a new fur parent, you must also understand that not everything is an emergency. When your pet is feeling a little down, there’s a good chance that it’s the mood swings kicking in. You don’t have to make an emergency call to your vet in the middle of the night for a consultation.… The post 3 Important Things You Need to Know About Emergency Vet Care appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Grass Seeds in Dogs: How to Protect and Treatment Options

Does your dog enjoy spending time outdoors and rolling around in the grass? While this is a favorite activity for many pups, grass can pose various risks to your pet’s health. Grass seed irritation is one of the most common grass-related issues dogs encounter. The sharp edges of the seed can pierce your pet’s skin The post Grass Seeds in Dogs: How to Protect and Treatment Options appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

How to Shave a Dog with Matted Hair

It’s not uncommon for some owners to get busy with other aspects of their life and fall behind on brushing their dog. Although all dog breeds require some grooming, longhaired dog owners often face more of a challenge, especially with matting. Matts are severe tangles that can occur on certain parts of the body, or The post How to Shave a Dog with Matted Hair appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

How to Cast a Dog’s Leg for a Custom Brace

What Comes in the Casting Kit? Each casting kit comes with all the materials you need to take an accurate impression of your dog’s leg. Each kit includes the following: Stockinet Cut Strip 2 rolls of fiberglass Casting Tape Safety Knife Pair of disposable gloves Scissors Measuring Tape Not included in the kit, but necessary: Bowl of room temperature (or cool) water A permanent marker An assistant to help keep pet calm and positioned correctly throughout the process Step-by-Step Casting Instructions Follow each instruction carefully. The casting kit comes with enough casting material for one cast. Please take your time… The post How to Cast a Dog’s Leg for a Custom Brace appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .