
Showing posts from July, 2022

Animal Euthanasia: What It Is and Why It’s Necessary

Animal euthanasia is the humane and compassionate process of ending an animal’s life in a way that minimizes pain and suffering. It is often the best option for pet owners facing the difficult decision to end their pet’s life due to terminal illness, severe injuries, or other health issues. When a pet becomes seriously ill or injured, pet owners must decide whether or not to euthanize their beloved animal. It is a decision often fraught with emotion and should not be made lightly. However, in some cases, euthanasia may be the best course of action for both the pet and… The post Animal Euthanasia: What It Is and Why It’s Necessary appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Fight Chronic Inflammation in Dogs

Your dog undergoes inflammation now and then. It is a natural response to injuries and diseases. It helps your dog recover from minor injuries and illnesses independently. However, when its natural healing response becomes unnecessarily repetitive (due to a trigger or two), things can become ugly. Your dog may lose its health instead of regaining it. In this post, that’s the phenomenon we’re going to explore. Let’s head straight to it. Understanding Healthy Inflammation Healthy Inflammation is an antagonistic process of vasoconstriction and vasodilation at the site of damage that helps your dog’s body achieve any of the three: Repair… The post How to Fight Chronic Inflammation in Dogs appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How Braces and Support Slings Can Help Your Dog

Is your dog dealing with an injury or having a hard time getting around? Dog braces and slings can be used to provide extra support for your pup. These devices are often used for various orthopedic and neurologic conditions that can affect your dog’s mobility. In this article, I’ll discuss what you need to know The post How Braces and Support Slings Can Help Your Dog appeared first on Dog Endorsed .

Causes of Paralysis and Caring for a Paralyzed Dog

There are many causes of paralysis in dogs. And it is often difficult to determine the exact cause without further testing. However, thanks to the veterinary field, we can figure out the leading causes of such severe diseases in dogs. But, to be honest, there is an area of veterinary pathologist jobs that are often overlooked. A veterinary pathologist is a medical doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating diseases of our smaller brethren.  We enlisted the support of experienced specialists to explore the leading causes of paralysis in dogs and how to care for a paralyzed pet. What is Paralysis,… The post Causes of Paralysis and Caring for a Paralyzed Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Everything You Need to Know About Vaccinating Your Dog

Many diseases, some of which are serious, may be prevented by regularly giving your dog the appropriate vaccinations. The rabies vaccination is mandatory for all dogs by law. Still, there are a variety of other vaccines that may protect your dog from entirely preventable and potentially fatal diseases. Canine distemper, canine parvovirus, and distemper vaccines are all included in this series. This includes identifying which immunizations are needed and when they should be given. Since we’ve received so many questions concerning dog immunizations over the years, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most often asked questions here for… The post Everything You Need to Know About Vaccinating Your Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

5 Things You Need to Know About Dog Hip Braces

1. How a canine hip support harness works A canine brace stabilizes a dog’s hips while supporting the hip joint. The neoprene panels of the hip brace wrap snuggly around the upper hind leg to provide compression around the pet’s joint. This compression helps reduce swelling and promote healing.  Since the hip support wraps over the dog’s lower back, it makes it easier for a dog to walk pain-free. A hip brace is ideal for a pet dealing with early stage to moderate hip dysplasia. However, don’t expect to see a difference right away. Be patient. It takes time to… The post 5 Things You Need to Know About Dog Hip Braces appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

The Stages of IVDD in Dogs Explained

Intervertebral disc disease, often abbreviated IVDD, is a serious spinal disease that impacts thousands of dogs every year. IVDD is a genetic disease that affects 1 out of every four dachshunds. Although IVDD most commonly occurs in short dog breeds with long backs, any dog breed can get IVDD. What is IVDD? IVDD is the most common neurological condition impacting dogs. Like humans, a dog’s spine is made of a series of bones called vertebrae running from skull to tail. Inside each vertebra is a hole where the nerves of the spinal column lay, which control a dog’s movement. Below… The post The Stages of IVDD in Dogs Explained appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Socialize Your Disabled Dog

Socializing your dog is important from an early age. When dogs are socialized as puppies, they tend to be better behaved and more relaxed. It’s safer for everyone, and they’ll grow up less likely to be aggressive or fearful. However, when you have a full-grown dog or a puppy with a disability, it can be a challenge to properly socialize them. They might not be able to run freely around the local dog park or even schedule a playdate without wondering how they might be feeling that day. Your disabled dog doesn’t have to live a life of loneliness or… The post How to Socialize Your Disabled Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

The Animal Pad on Year-Long Quest to Find Bebe Her Forever Home!

Only two years old, Bebe has never had a home of her own. For over a year, Bebe has called the San Diego-based shelter, The Animal Pad, home. In her time with the rescue, Bebe has had zero applications, and she marks the longest time a single dog has ever been in the care of The Animal Pad!  Meet Bebe, the Double Amputee  When Bebe was only a few months old, she was abandoned at a veterinary office in Guadalupe, Mexico. For the next several months, Bebe lived at the Vet’s office and was left in a crate. During that… The post The Animal Pad on Year-Long Quest to Find Bebe Her Forever Home! appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

When is it the Right Time to Buy a Dog Wheelchair?

Deciding when the right time to buy your dog a wheelchair is a difficult decision for any pet parent. Buying your dog a wheelchair gives your best friend a chance to walk again, lessen their pain, and improve their quality of life. A dog wheelchair supports pets and assists a dog while walking. While in a dog wheelchair, pets get to maintain their independence and regain their mobility. Now that you know what a dog wheelchair does, now it’s time to determine if your dog needs a wheelchair. You may be asking, how do you know the time is right… The post When is it the Right Time to Buy a Dog Wheelchair? appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Managing Your Dog’s Back Pain

We aren’t the only ones that can suffer from back pain; our furry companions are just as susceptible as we are to its effects. Since dogs can’t express their aches and pains as we can, it is important to keep an eye out for any signs of pain. 3 Common Causes of Dog Back Pain There are many reasons a dog may be suffering from back pain. Common causes of dog back pain include old age, spinal injury, and diseases such as Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD).  1. IVDD Back Pain Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a condition that over time… The post Managing Your Dog’s Back Pain appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

5 Ways to Help Your Blind Dog Adapt

Helping your newly blind or visually impaired dog adjust to their new way of life can be challenging. Watching your dog struggle as they try to move in what was once familiar territory is hard. As a pet owner, you feel lost watching your dog adjust, not understanding what’s happening to them. How can you help your blind dog to adapt and feel safe? How to Help A Blind Dog Adapt to Vision Loss Here are some helpful tips on how you can make the adjustment a smooth one for your best friend: 1. Speak Calmly Your voice can have… The post 5 Ways to Help Your Blind Dog Adapt appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Switch and Transition Dog Foods

You were feeding raw dog food to your furry pal. Because the internet suggests it’s good for canines, you thought a complete raw meat diet would be okay. But now, your dog is at high risk of salmonellosis and other infections! If you find this situation relatable, worry not because almost every dog owner goes through it before realizing the truth. Raw meat might be full of whole proteins that can strengthen the immune system and bone health. However, anything that hasn’t undergone the process of germ elimination is not recommendable.  That said, raw dog food doesn’t only refer to… The post How to Switch and Transition Dog Foods appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

5 Reasons Why Every Disabled Dog Needs an Up-n-Go Support Leash

Whether healing from an injury or dealing with arthritis pain, the rear support leash is the easiest way to give a dog the boost they need to walk, stand, and get around. 1. For Injury Recovery The Up-n-Go Rear Support Leash is the perfect way to reduce the weight on an injured back leg. Simple tasks like standing up can be too much for a weak back leg. Easy-to-use, the Up-n-Go slides up your dog’s hind legs to support their rear end. Proper support helps a dog stand up, maintain balance, and lessen the weight placed on its injured leg. … The post 5 Reasons Why Every Disabled Dog Needs an Up-n-Go Support Leash appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Top Health Concerns for Golden Doodles

While the Golden Doodle has been around since the 1960’s but became recognized as a hybrid breed in the 90’s. Now the breed has shot up to being one of the most popular breeds in the last decade. Going to a dog park is hard without seeing the fluffy pups running all around. The Golden Doodle is a cross of the parent dogs’ best traits. They have the intelligence and lack of shedding of the Poodle and the affection and loyalty of a Golden Retriever. A doodle’s gentle personality makes them one of the sweetest pets to add to any… The post Top Health Concerns for Golden Doodles appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

While dogs are more than happy to provide you with endless love and companionship, it is crucial that you take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones. Unfortunately, more than 4.5 million Americans suffer from dog bites each year. Quite often, it is young children.  Dog bites are not just harmful to your health but expensive to treat. Since they carry a ton of medical, legal, and financial ramifications, you need to know how to treat a dog bite. You can administer first aid in some instances, while others require urgent medical attention. Keep… The post Steps to Take After a Dog Bite appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Keep a Clean Home When You Have an Old Dog

If you’re like many people, you may find it challenging to keep your home clean when you have an old dog. Old dogs can be messy, and often don’t move around as much as younger dogs, making it harder for them to get up and go outside to pee or poop. So, let’s explore some tips on how to keep your home clean when you have an old dog. Know What Deep Cleaning Includes A good deep cleaning involves more than just sweeping and mopping your floors. You’ll also want to dust all surfaces, clean out cabinets and drawers, vacuum… The post How to Keep a Clean Home When You Have an Old Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

How to Choose the Right Support Harness for Your Pet

Dog lift harnesses can help your pet with a wide range of mobility issues. Support harnesses are designed to help senior dogs with joint pain, assist injured pets in staying mobile, and give paralyzed pets the support they need to reduce pressure on their back legs. A lifting harness is a tool that every paralyzed dog or cat needs to move around the house.  Before buying a lifting harness for a paralyzed or injured pet, you need to understand how harnesses are used, how a harness can benefit your pet (and you), and where your dog needs the support. Continue… The post How to Choose the Right Support Harness for Your Pet appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Choosing the Right Food for Your Disabled Dog

Choosing the right food for your disabled dog is one of the most important things you can do to ensure they live a long and happy life. As a disabled pet owner, you probably have a lot on your plate, including your health, keeping up with the other pets in your household, and ensuring that you’re there for your disabled dog. Figuring out how to feed your disabled dog might seem easy at first glance, but it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a disabled pet owner. You want to find food to help keep your pet… The post Choosing the Right Food for Your Disabled Dog appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

Practical Tips to Help Pets Age Gracefully

The more time we spend with our pets, the easier it is to see the changes that come with aging. Visible changes such as a dog’s hair turning gray, slowing down, and joints getting stiffer – aging isn’t easy for them either.  However, adopting proactive measures can significantly improve a pet’s quality of life during their senior years. Here are some tips on how you can help your pet age gracefully: Well, Seniors Have Their Own Basic Needs Senior pets often have unexpected necessities compared to their more youthful partners. The needs of a senior dog or cat can be… The post Practical Tips to Help Pets Age Gracefully appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .

7 Tips for Responsible Pitbull Ownership

Pitbulls are perceived as vicious and scary. They are not your average pet dogs. The image that revolves around them is not entirely their fault. Pitbulls were considered war heroes and were welcoming dogs. But how did this image change in such a drastic manner? Pitbulls (in general) can be welcoming dogs but only when trained in the right hands. These days dog owners train them as bullies, and that’s why (like any other dog), they turn out to be aggressive. Not every Pit Bull is aggressive or dangerous. The Blue Fawn Pitbull, regardless of its inadequate training, will not… The post 7 Tips for Responsible Pitbull Ownership appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog .