The Stages of IVDD in Dogs Explained

Dachshund in her pink properly adjusted Walkin' Wheels wheelchair

Intervertebral disc disease, often abbreviated IVDD, is a serious spinal disease that impacts thousands of dogs every year. IVDD is a genetic disease that affects 1 out of every four dachshunds. Although IVDD most commonly occurs in short dog breeds with long backs, any dog breed can get IVDD. What is IVDD? IVDD is the most common neurological condition impacting dogs. Like humans, a dog’s spine is made of a series of bones called vertebrae running from skull to tail. Inside each vertebra is a hole where the nerves of the spinal column lay, which control a dog’s movement. Below…

The post The Stages of IVDD in Dogs Explained appeared first on Walkin' Pets Blog.


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